I miss you like crazy Pink!!
Just wanted to give you a little taste of event production today...
First of all I look like an 80's hair band softball coach today with my big wild curly hair in a pink peace sign headband and my black tapered cotton pants with tennies!! Good times!! And yes I have a TPC branded baseball tee on.. people gotta know why I look so Hot Mess Express!!
Second I had to drive the Murder Mystery Machine work van to Costco today to get all the volunteer snacks for the Rooftop with Jess. The van (pictured below) is out of control!! It wreaks of gas (spilled in the back), is missing it's rear view mirror (just laying on the dash), has large shards of broken glass laying behind the drivers seat (sounded like gun shots every few bumps) and has no side windows (merging on the freeway is a death trap)... but I am happy to report we made it back to the studio safely!!
A special thank you to my father for teaching me to drive at 15 :) "CarolAnn the speed limit is 25 NOT 26!!" which helped me control this black beast!!
PS I did look much cuter yesterday in my western wear :) modeling a hat our costume dept made for the mascot of the Detroit Tigers PAWS for Country Night at the Ballpark!!
PPS Jess and I are feeling a bit pimped out between all the licenses and permits we have had to get for the party... I have spoken to the Fire Marshal no less than 7 times today AND went there in person yesterday & today!! But I think it's all worked out, they just like my company :)
Just a few more days!!! YAY!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
For those of you keeping track at home...
My baby book was found!!!
It seems my father took both mine & my brothers after his last visit to my house "by mistake". I personally think he was secretly missing looking at us cute babies :) or him in his short short 80's shorts!!
It seems my father took both mine & my brothers after his last visit to my house "by mistake". I personally think he was secretly missing looking at us cute babies :) or him in his short short 80's shorts!!
I hope you understand, it's not you, it's me... I have to say goodbye... for awhile :)
Today started crunch time at The Parade Company, as we prepare & produce our "largest trans-border pyrotechnic display in North America" (thank you Sarah from our sponsorship team for the tagline) and VIP Rooftop Party, which is just a week away!!
There are two times a year when blogging will take a sabbatical... this being time #1 and #2 will come in the fall, when my life becomes nothing but America's Thanksgiving Parade. So before I disappear (until June 29th) I wanted to share some randomness that is my life!!
1) My emotions are running wild - I literally cried last night during an episode of Jerseylicious (seriously can't Gigi & Frankie just get back together already?!!)!! I tried blaming the fact that I had 3 glasses of Barefoot Sweet Red Wine (which is my new obsession) but the truth is, I always get super emotional around event time. So much so that an hour later while watching Saddle Ranch, I literally had to tell myself to grow up during a wedding proposal...ugh
2) My OCD is CURED!! - okay that's a lie. Let me rephrase. My HOME OCD is cured ... for the moment. Now that I only have the time & the energy to be organized at work, my house becomes rather unlivable (to me)!! As I watched my shows last night, I cringed at every commerical break when Valentina would shake & dog hair would go flying everywhere... because I know I won't be vacuuming anytime soon. It's just too much work between the laundry, packing, finding a babysitter for V and keeping myself fed... ugh
3) When it rains, it pours - I took it easy this weekend (minus Saturday night when Monica & I had our monthly dance offs at Delux) so that when event week kicked off, I would be ready to go. Completely positive, with a smile on my face... but I guessed I missed the memo on testing my stress levels today!! With three (3) wet sections of hair left to blow out, my hair dryer decided to die and without a standby (poor planning), I became flustered. I hurried to get dressed after make-shifting my curling iron into a dryer | straightener (one for one) that I didn't realize until my morning budget meeting that both the sweater & leggings I put on had mini holes in them (one for two)... classy CarolAnn, real classy!! Then as I waited in line at the overly crowded gas station this morning, an old man in his Yukon came within centimeters of backing into the corner of my Jeep... I swear I probably scared all the pump patrons with my horn blowing skills. (I am giving myself two for three because I still waved & smiled at him to say "it's ok"). So I think that's passing, right?!... ugh
4) Ahhhhhhhh!!!! .... I just needed to get that out... ugh :)
So as I will miss my time writing, I am excited to bring smiles to millions as we light up the sky in Detroit next Monday!! This will be my sixth VIP Rooftop Party & Target Fireworks!! Woo Woo!!
I will be sure to keep great notes of the amazing one liners, 3....2.... moments, and any other great occurrences (like being locked in a porta potty by a golf cart) that always seem to get us through with smiles on our faces... to share upon my return!!
I'll miss you Pink :)
Today started crunch time at The Parade Company, as we prepare & produce our "largest trans-border pyrotechnic display in North America" (thank you Sarah from our sponsorship team for the tagline) and VIP Rooftop Party, which is just a week away!!
2010 "Celebrate the Spirit" Fireworks |
1) My emotions are running wild - I literally cried last night during an episode of Jerseylicious (seriously can't Gigi & Frankie just get back together already?!!)!! I tried blaming the fact that I had 3 glasses of Barefoot Sweet Red Wine (which is my new obsession) but the truth is, I always get super emotional around event time. So much so that an hour later while watching Saddle Ranch, I literally had to tell myself to grow up during a wedding proposal...ugh
2) My OCD is CURED!! - okay that's a lie. Let me rephrase. My HOME OCD is cured ... for the moment. Now that I only have the time & the energy to be organized at work, my house becomes rather unlivable (to me)!! As I watched my shows last night, I cringed at every commerical break when Valentina would shake & dog hair would go flying everywhere... because I know I won't be vacuuming anytime soon. It's just too much work between the laundry, packing, finding a babysitter for V and keeping myself fed... ugh
3) When it rains, it pours - I took it easy this weekend (minus Saturday night when Monica & I had our monthly dance offs at Delux) so that when event week kicked off, I would be ready to go. Completely positive, with a smile on my face... but I guessed I missed the memo on testing my stress levels today!! With three (3) wet sections of hair left to blow out, my hair dryer decided to die and without a standby (poor planning), I became flustered. I hurried to get dressed after make-shifting my curling iron into a dryer | straightener (one for one) that I didn't realize until my morning budget meeting that both the sweater & leggings I put on had mini holes in them (one for two)... classy CarolAnn, real classy!! Then as I waited in line at the overly crowded gas station this morning, an old man in his Yukon came within centimeters of backing into the corner of my Jeep... I swear I probably scared all the pump patrons with my horn blowing skills. (I am giving myself two for three because I still waved & smiled at him to say "it's ok"). So I think that's passing, right?!... ugh
4) Ahhhhhhhh!!!! .... I just needed to get that out... ugh :)
Tarma from Real Housewives of OC and I pouting it out in 2010 |
I will be sure to keep great notes of the amazing one liners, 3....2.... moments, and any other great occurrences (like being locked in a porta potty by a golf cart) that always seem to get us through with smiles on our faces... to share upon my return!!
I'll miss you Pink :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy Father's Day Dad!!
I am truly blessed with the best dad ever!!! :)
Growing up my father worked a lot of hours & different shifts. He was a patrol officer when I was born and moved his way through the detective bureau as a detective and later an inspector ("gadget" as I liked to call him them), then becoming deputy chief and retiring in 2006 as acting police chief.
He dedicated 30 years protecting the city in which we resided, but always made time for family!! He coached our baseball teams, came to every football game, cheerleading competitions and plays. He opened our pool each year, allowing us to have extravagant pool parties, cemented a portion of the backyard so Phil could have a mini basketball court, took us on numerous family vacations and purchased the property up north so we could mini bike, snowmobile and hunt (Phil, not me)!
He's a very special man!! I mean, not every father would dress as the Easter Bunny each year and hop down the street with Easter baskets for his children :) We never caught on... not even when he would receive a "call" every Christmas Eve when we were celebrating at our grandparents, to go into work... "dang work!!"... but would really go home, take all the gifts out of hiding and leave clues that Santa had been there!! :) He is the best!!
After my mom passed away, I developed a very special bond with my father (after my darker times of that year)... but he was there for me, even at my worst times to make sure I was loved and had everything I needed. He sent me off to Western, paid for my education, my sorority living and even got me a job answering phones for the campus police :) I remember I would call him every single day, sometimes more than once or twice... and even though he was running a police department, he always made time to talk to me, even if it was about what parties I was attending that weekend!!
Nowadays, I still talk to him everyday, so he can make fun of my hangovers, ask how his grand-dog baby V is (they have a special bond too) or as most recently I called him about 10 times the day of the bathroom remodel... "How do you put an anchor into the wall" which ended in frustration and attitudes from both of us until I called back to apologize :) (it was like I was a teenager again. lol)
I don't know if I will ever have the words to express how grateful I am for my dad. He is my rock, my heart. Without him, I would not be the women I am today and for that I can't thank him enough. I am truly blessed to have him!!
I LOVE YOU DAD!! Happy Father's Day!! :)
PS I have a lot more photos that I would like to post of me and my dad... (to go with more stories) but currently my baby book is missing :( I know I am heartbroken but trying not to let it stress me out because it has to be around my house somewhere!! So when I find it, there will be many more posts & photos of me and the original CAB :)
Growing up my father worked a lot of hours & different shifts. He was a patrol officer when I was born and moved his way through the detective bureau as a detective and later an inspector ("gadget" as I liked to call him them), then becoming deputy chief and retiring in 2006 as acting police chief.
He dedicated 30 years protecting the city in which we resided, but always made time for family!! He coached our baseball teams, came to every football game, cheerleading competitions and plays. He opened our pool each year, allowing us to have extravagant pool parties, cemented a portion of the backyard so Phil could have a mini basketball court, took us on numerous family vacations and purchased the property up north so we could mini bike, snowmobile and hunt (Phil, not me)!
He's a very special man!! I mean, not every father would dress as the Easter Bunny each year and hop down the street with Easter baskets for his children :) We never caught on... not even when he would receive a "call" every Christmas Eve when we were celebrating at our grandparents, to go into work... "dang work!!"... but would really go home, take all the gifts out of hiding and leave clues that Santa had been there!! :) He is the best!!
After my mom passed away, I developed a very special bond with my father (after my darker times of that year)... but he was there for me, even at my worst times to make sure I was loved and had everything I needed. He sent me off to Western, paid for my education, my sorority living and even got me a job answering phones for the campus police :) I remember I would call him every single day, sometimes more than once or twice... and even though he was running a police department, he always made time to talk to me, even if it was about what parties I was attending that weekend!!
Nowadays, I still talk to him everyday, so he can make fun of my hangovers, ask how his grand-dog baby V is (they have a special bond too) or as most recently I called him about 10 times the day of the bathroom remodel... "How do you put an anchor into the wall" which ended in frustration and attitudes from both of us until I called back to apologize :) (it was like I was a teenager again. lol)
I don't know if I will ever have the words to express how grateful I am for my dad. He is my rock, my heart. Without him, I would not be the women I am today and for that I can't thank him enough. I am truly blessed to have him!!
Kisses for my first day of school & first bus ride alone! |
My dad & I in 1986 :) Loved that gorilla costume! |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Owning a Home 101
"I've never owned something on a Tuesday and was ready to sell it back by Friday"
This is usually my go-to one liner about becoming a home owner at 24 years old :) I am very blessed that my parents were kind enough to sell me their home and help me invest in property rather than renting. Honestly, I love my neighborhood, my yard with my kayak pool and my adorable 3 bedroom ranch home but the thought of a mortgage, property tax and home repairs becomes reality when you sign your pretty signature to those papers!! I would be lying if I said it didn't stress me out a bit!!
Over the past 3 years, I have had three roommates and enjoyed my time being my own land lady :) But I haven't done much decorating to make the place "my own". It's like time just flew by and before I knew it, my life felt so different, but it all still looked the same!!
So this weekend, I decided I would change things, one room at a time!! :)
When I first bought the house, the majority of all the rooms were white... which was just too plain for me!! I immediately painted the main bathroom a dark brown, which I inevitably hated but like I said, time flies and I never changed it... until this weekend!!
I called my BFF Marilena to assist with the paint & redecorating... and I will prelude the photos with a huge THANK YOU to her!! I, and I mean this sincerely, could not have accomplished any of this without her! She is patient (while I picked out colors & accessories), she is knowledgeable (we should of painted the corners first), she is daring (disconnecting the lighting fixture) and she is just all around, a fabulous friend to spend the day with!! :) She ROCKS!!
This is pre-paint just after I removed the cabinet mirror... you can see that for the first time in my life I bought a small tester color before investing in the whole can (which is what I should of done before the brown)... lesson learned!! And even though the very attractive man who sold me the paint told me the primer in the paint would fully cover the brown, it was good to see for myself! :)
Geez, just looking at these flashbacks now are making me feel ill! I can't believe I went so long with these awful colored walls and 1970's fixtures!!! YIKES!!! :)
Below is my brave BFF... removing the old fixture and getting ready to disconnect the electrical!! Amazing!
Here we go... are you ready for the BIG REVEAL?!! :) ..........
I didn't have a pre-photo of this wall prior to painting but I am sure you get the idea that it was just plain brown. I had this Marilyn Monroe poster framed when I was about 19 years old and was going to garage sale it this summer, but for now I think it fits perfectly in my super girly bathroom!! :)
My next goals are having the wood floors (that I discovered after Valentina & her puppy claws ripped away my carpet from the wall) refinished, painting & redecorating the living room & hallway to match, finishing my closet bedroom (omg another love of my life) and updating the spare bedroom!! I think I have my work cut out for me but I am sooo excited!! WOO WOO!! :)
This is usually my go-to one liner about becoming a home owner at 24 years old :) I am very blessed that my parents were kind enough to sell me their home and help me invest in property rather than renting. Honestly, I love my neighborhood, my yard with my kayak pool and my adorable 3 bedroom ranch home but the thought of a mortgage, property tax and home repairs becomes reality when you sign your pretty signature to those papers!! I would be lying if I said it didn't stress me out a bit!!
Over the past 3 years, I have had three roommates and enjoyed my time being my own land lady :) But I haven't done much decorating to make the place "my own". It's like time just flew by and before I knew it, my life felt so different, but it all still looked the same!!
So this weekend, I decided I would change things, one room at a time!! :)
When I first bought the house, the majority of all the rooms were white... which was just too plain for me!! I immediately painted the main bathroom a dark brown, which I inevitably hated but like I said, time flies and I never changed it... until this weekend!!
I called my BFF Marilena to assist with the paint & redecorating... and I will prelude the photos with a huge THANK YOU to her!! I, and I mean this sincerely, could not have accomplished any of this without her! She is patient (while I picked out colors & accessories), she is knowledgeable (we should of painted the corners first), she is daring (disconnecting the lighting fixture) and she is just all around, a fabulous friend to spend the day with!! :) She ROCKS!!
This is pre-paint just after I removed the cabinet mirror... you can see that for the first time in my life I bought a small tester color before investing in the whole can (which is what I should of done before the brown)... lesson learned!! And even though the very attractive man who sold me the paint told me the primer in the paint would fully cover the brown, it was good to see for myself! :)
Geez, just looking at these flashbacks now are making me feel ill! I can't believe I went so long with these awful colored walls and 1970's fixtures!!! YIKES!!! :)
Below is my brave BFF... removing the old fixture and getting ready to disconnect the electrical!! Amazing!
Here we go... are you ready for the BIG REVEAL?!! :) ..........
I still need to figure out the handles for my sink ... and I did accidentally break the water spout while removing the old mirror so I will get a matching one to the other fixtures soon!!
I didn't have a pre-photo of this wall prior to painting but I am sure you get the idea that it was just plain brown. I had this Marilyn Monroe poster framed when I was about 19 years old and was going to garage sale it this summer, but for now I think it fits perfectly in my super girly bathroom!! :)
In the end, I think major project numeral uno went fabulously!!! I am in love with my new bathroom!!
My next goals are having the wood floors (that I discovered after Valentina & her puppy claws ripped away my carpet from the wall) refinished, painting & redecorating the living room & hallway to match, finishing my closet bedroom (omg another love of my life) and updating the spare bedroom!! I think I have my work cut out for me but I am sooo excited!! WOO WOO!! :)
PS I may have to find more reasons to hang out at the hardware store, no joke there are some good looking men there!! :)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Here comes the bride...
In one month from today, my fabulous friend Lauren is getting married to her fav Charley!!
Me and the giggly, freckled faced LC have been friends since sixth grade. We met in band (yuck), played softball together, made it through her sleep walking phase together, graduated from Western Michigan (almost together) and have lots of crazy memories in the books... together.
After a brief job with AAA, LC left Michigan for the more glamorous NYC. She now works for Juicy Couture and lives in Hoboken!! Where she met and fell in love with the adorable Charley or CB as I call him!!
Two weekends ago, she flew back to Detroit for her wedding shower!!
The heat was on to find her the perfect gift. I will admit I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to gifting.... sometimes I put too much thought into it and stress myself out, but in the end all I want is something great & meaningful that my friends can treasure & really use!!
After weeks of researching, debating & shopping... I finally decided!! Lauren & Charley took beautiful artsy engagement pictures and when I saw this frame, it totally reminded me of their personalities!!
I know the angle is odd, but it shows the great detail of the frame under the glass, which is really what sold me on the purchase!! I wrote a letter to LC & CB to put in the frame until they chose a photo (which prompted tears from my dear friend... love ya girl)!!
I also found a special gift for Charley!! Last November, during our friends Lindsay & James wedding weekend, I found out that Charley (who is originally from Jacksonville and has the best accent ever) used to do Civil War reenactments!! How fun!! So a few weeks prior to the shower, when I was up north, I came across this amazing grill lighter!! It just screamed LC & Charley & Sweet Home Alabama!! :) Everyone who had met Charley before and knew of his acting career, was dying of laughter...
In addition to both the frame and grill lighter, I wanted to give LC & CB something that would be helpful in starting their new lives together, especially since they will not receive the physical gifts from their shower until after their wedding (when LC's parents drive them via UHaul to Hoboken)!! So I opted for a little instant gratification for them... with a gift card :)
It is truly wonderful to share in such a special day with such an amazing friend!! I am so happy for both her & Charley... and I can't wait to celebrate on July 15th when this crazy city girl marries her southern gentleman!!
Me and the giggly, freckled faced LC have been friends since sixth grade. We met in band (yuck), played softball together, made it through her sleep walking phase together, graduated from Western Michigan (almost together) and have lots of crazy memories in the books... together.
After a brief job with AAA, LC left Michigan for the more glamorous NYC. She now works for Juicy Couture and lives in Hoboken!! Where she met and fell in love with the adorable Charley or CB as I call him!!
Two weekends ago, she flew back to Detroit for her wedding shower!!
The heat was on to find her the perfect gift. I will admit I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to gifting.... sometimes I put too much thought into it and stress myself out, but in the end all I want is something great & meaningful that my friends can treasure & really use!!
After weeks of researching, debating & shopping... I finally decided!! Lauren & Charley took beautiful artsy engagement pictures and when I saw this frame, it totally reminded me of their personalities!!
I know the angle is odd, but it shows the great detail of the frame under the glass, which is really what sold me on the purchase!! I wrote a letter to LC & CB to put in the frame until they chose a photo (which prompted tears from my dear friend... love ya girl)!!
I also found a special gift for Charley!! Last November, during our friends Lindsay & James wedding weekend, I found out that Charley (who is originally from Jacksonville and has the best accent ever) used to do Civil War reenactments!! How fun!! So a few weeks prior to the shower, when I was up north, I came across this amazing grill lighter!! It just screamed LC & Charley & Sweet Home Alabama!! :) Everyone who had met Charley before and knew of his acting career, was dying of laughter...
In addition to both the frame and grill lighter, I wanted to give LC & CB something that would be helpful in starting their new lives together, especially since they will not receive the physical gifts from their shower until after their wedding (when LC's parents drive them via UHaul to Hoboken)!! So I opted for a little instant gratification for them... with a gift card :)
It is truly wonderful to share in such a special day with such an amazing friend!! I am so happy for both her & Charley... and I can't wait to celebrate on July 15th when this crazy city girl marries her southern gentleman!!
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Lauren, Lindsay & I :) |
Friday, June 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Mom!!
In early 2001, when I was 17 years old, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She underwent surgery, chemo & radiation until she lost her battle on January 3, 2002.
It was one of the longest, saddest, most grueling years for my family and I. A lot of it is a blur to me but luckily I have family & friends who remind me of the good times of that year when I can't remember; my mother being honored with "Margaret P. Barbb Day" in our City (receiving praise from the School Board on which she served since I was in Kindergarten, the Mayor and State Reps), being the Grand Marshal of the Homecoming Parade and celebrating my choice of attending Western Michigan for college!!
What I do remember are all the memories we made over the short 18 years we had with each other :)
In honor of my mother's 59th Birthday today... I would like to share two of my favorite memories of her (and two because I couldn't pick just one for this first history post about my mother). Those that knew her, will say... "Yep, that was Margie" and for those of you who did not have the pleasure, I will just say she was the most fun, most loving & caring woman... with a bit of a wild side!!
My mother had a plethora of clothes she saved from her party days... one piece jumpsuits with no stomachs, bedazzled pants & jackets (one jacket in particular I wish I could wear now, except my mother was a size 2, read "Detroit" in sparkles across the back) and a pair of black bell bottoms that slit from the thigh down on both legs.
When I was a freshman in high school, my friends & I decided it would be fun to have a fashion show with all the party monsta outfits!! My friend Ryann was the only one who could wear the black slit pants and deep down I was jealous... because I had seen them for years and thought they were the coolest. :)
In the middle of our fashion show, my mother came home. I will never forget the smile on her face as she walked down the stairs and saw us dancing around in her old clothes. As her eyes scanned us girls, she stopped on Ryann... and in a voice that I will remember always, she said "OMG, I love those pants... I LOST my virginity in those pants!!!"
To any teenager that statement would be horrifying and to most parents inappropriate... but that is what I loved most about my mother. She never sheltered the real world from my brother & I growing up, she never not asked what was going on in our lives every single day, she was involved and taught us things that I think a lot of people & children nowadays are missing. And for that, I know my brother and I are always thankful.
I was blessed to have spent 4 weeks in Europe with my mother the summer going into 8th grade. We traveled from England, 13 countries down to Greece. I have so many wonderful memories and photos from that mother daughter trip, but my favorite memory was unfortunately not captured on film.
Because a drinking age is not officially enforced in Europe, I was able to go to most bars & drink with my mother on the trip. I know what you're thinking, a mother letting her 13 yr old daughter drink... be real people, I had a few sips here & there AND never left her side... well until one night.
We had returned from a day of excursions and Margie was ready to party. There were other young parents on the same charter as us and they all headed to the hotel bar. (I actually think this was the night I had my first Tom Collins and was a little buzzed).
There really is no way to say this gracefully and I'm literally laughing out loud thinking how to say it, so here goes... at some point in the night, I found my mother with a group of parents around her... which was NBD because the lady was always center of attention... that is until I realized ... she was snorting shots of tequila!!
Who seriously SNORTS shots, let alone tequila... lady you're crazy!! :)
I was a shy teenager.. and this was beyond embarrassing for me at the time (I am sure to everyone else, who started ordering shots with her, this was a highlight of their day)!! I decided I had had enough, I went to our room with the lone room key, locked & chained the door and went to bed. About 20 minutes later, my mother was knocking on the door to make sure I was okay... stubborn CAB was not having that... keep a knockin lady! Finally the front desk called and demanded I unlock the door... FINE!! :)
Looking back, I wish I would of stayed to witness this, to laugh with my mother and maybe help her walk straightly back to our room :) Clearly she was having a wonderful time... we were in a place where we weren't held to standards because of her school board election, or my dad's 5.0 detective bureau title or just because she was a mother to two children!! She didn't go out and drink when we were home, she worked hard, she cooked dinner every night, helped us with our homework, volunteered for charities, made sure we had everything we could ever need and for just one night, for an hour or two, she was free :) Deep down, I wish I was there (without an attitude) to enjoy it with her.
So to the woman who raised two strong, motivated, down to earth children... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I know you are watching down on all of us today and everyday :) I love you MOM!!
It was one of the longest, saddest, most grueling years for my family and I. A lot of it is a blur to me but luckily I have family & friends who remind me of the good times of that year when I can't remember; my mother being honored with "Margaret P. Barbb Day" in our City (receiving praise from the School Board on which she served since I was in Kindergarten, the Mayor and State Reps), being the Grand Marshal of the Homecoming Parade and celebrating my choice of attending Western Michigan for college!!
What I do remember are all the memories we made over the short 18 years we had with each other :)
In honor of my mother's 59th Birthday today... I would like to share two of my favorite memories of her (and two because I couldn't pick just one for this first history post about my mother). Those that knew her, will say... "Yep, that was Margie" and for those of you who did not have the pleasure, I will just say she was the most fun, most loving & caring woman... with a bit of a wild side!!
My mother had a plethora of clothes she saved from her party days... one piece jumpsuits with no stomachs, bedazzled pants & jackets (one jacket in particular I wish I could wear now, except my mother was a size 2, read "Detroit" in sparkles across the back) and a pair of black bell bottoms that slit from the thigh down on both legs.
When I was a freshman in high school, my friends & I decided it would be fun to have a fashion show with all the party monsta outfits!! My friend Ryann was the only one who could wear the black slit pants and deep down I was jealous... because I had seen them for years and thought they were the coolest. :)
In the middle of our fashion show, my mother came home. I will never forget the smile on her face as she walked down the stairs and saw us dancing around in her old clothes. As her eyes scanned us girls, she stopped on Ryann... and in a voice that I will remember always, she said "OMG, I love those pants... I LOST my virginity in those pants!!!"
To any teenager that statement would be horrifying and to most parents inappropriate... but that is what I loved most about my mother. She never sheltered the real world from my brother & I growing up, she never not asked what was going on in our lives every single day, she was involved and taught us things that I think a lot of people & children nowadays are missing. And for that, I know my brother and I are always thankful.
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My mother, the original skinny arm & big hair, on her 23rd Birthday; with her friend Cathy June 10, 1975 |
I was blessed to have spent 4 weeks in Europe with my mother the summer going into 8th grade. We traveled from England, 13 countries down to Greece. I have so many wonderful memories and photos from that mother daughter trip, but my favorite memory was unfortunately not captured on film.
Because a drinking age is not officially enforced in Europe, I was able to go to most bars & drink with my mother on the trip. I know what you're thinking, a mother letting her 13 yr old daughter drink... be real people, I had a few sips here & there AND never left her side... well until one night.
We had returned from a day of excursions and Margie was ready to party. There were other young parents on the same charter as us and they all headed to the hotel bar. (I actually think this was the night I had my first Tom Collins and was a little buzzed).
There really is no way to say this gracefully and I'm literally laughing out loud thinking how to say it, so here goes... at some point in the night, I found my mother with a group of parents around her... which was NBD because the lady was always center of attention... that is until I realized ... she was snorting shots of tequila!!
Who seriously SNORTS shots, let alone tequila... lady you're crazy!! :)
I was a shy teenager.. and this was beyond embarrassing for me at the time (I am sure to everyone else, who started ordering shots with her, this was a highlight of their day)!! I decided I had had enough, I went to our room with the lone room key, locked & chained the door and went to bed. About 20 minutes later, my mother was knocking on the door to make sure I was okay... stubborn CAB was not having that... keep a knockin lady! Finally the front desk called and demanded I unlock the door... FINE!! :)
Looking back, I wish I would of stayed to witness this, to laugh with my mother and maybe help her walk straightly back to our room :) Clearly she was having a wonderful time... we were in a place where we weren't held to standards because of her school board election, or my dad's 5.0 detective bureau title or just because she was a mother to two children!! She didn't go out and drink when we were home, she worked hard, she cooked dinner every night, helped us with our homework, volunteered for charities, made sure we had everything we could ever need and for just one night, for an hour or two, she was free :) Deep down, I wish I was there (without an attitude) to enjoy it with her.
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My mother & I in front of the Anne Frank House... Summer 1997 PS I told you I only believed in Tommy Hilfiger & my blk pleather jacket was Calvin Klein :) |
So to the woman who raised two strong, motivated, down to earth children... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I know you are watching down on all of us today and everyday :) I love you MOM!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
An Indy Car Racing fan is born!!
Sunday morning felt like it came entirely too quickly! By 8:30am the Jeep was packed, we were showered & jazzed up... and on our way downtown to the Hilton again to meet our 500 Festival friends!!
After grabbing a quick bite in the hospitality area, we were led out a back door to an awaiting bus... after settling into our seats, we were joined by numerous other event people (Rose Parade & Shambhala Music Festival) and a few VIPs (Kellie Pickler & Judge Alex). My favorite moment of the bus ride, outside of having a Police escort to the speedway and passing thousands of cars waiting for hours in a mere 15 mins, was Kellie Pickler shouting "I'm ready for some Coors Light, I'm an effing redneck!!" (and I use effing in the politest way) :)
Once we arrived in the infield, we made our way to the garages & pits with our special credentials & pin that Leigh's friend who works for Indy Car hooked us up with. It was cool to see the cars roll out to their pits & track, see all the crazy amounts of tires each pit utilizes over the 500 laps, and we even passed by a garage just in time to collect some (free) fun racing merchandise!!
After we checked out the garages, it was on to the track & pits!! It was super cool see the pit crew prep the cars and get organized before the race. PLUS seeing them up close helped me select who I would root for during the race... the Target racing team employs some pretty good looking pit guys!! :)
We decided our seats in the North Peak were a little too far for us to walk to, so we settled for watching the laps on a large screen outside of The Pagota. Which was cool because we were in the shade and could people watch (the outfits on some of these folks was off the chain!!). Kelly Clarkston & Seal sang a really awesome National Anthem complete with a fly over by a Stealth Bomber (I have never seen one before, it looked like an alien ship... I've probably watched Independence Day a few too many times!!) What I really appreciated before the beginning of the race, is that a they had a pastor lead the crowd in prayer for the drivers, men & women over seas and the safety of all those in attendance. I have never been to a sporting event before where a prayer was said before kick-off, I think that's when I officially fell in love!!
By Lap 100 we were ready to explore. We met up with our 500 Festival friends and walked through the infield to find our friend Fred from the night before... who had promised us signed Indy 500 posters by the artist David Uhl. On the walk we got some great views of the track, one spot I said to Leigh "OMGosh how cool to watch from right there..." and in return she says "That's dangerous, people could be killed right there!!" After watching a car speed past, I determined she was right, sitting right on the track wall in your lounge chair is dangerous... but you must really love racing to risk it!!
I was super pumped we decided to walk over to David Uhl's booth... Leigh & I had been searching all morning for shirts or hats celebrating the 100th Anniversary and it appeared that A) they didn't have anything or B) it was already sold out (and we walked to about 10 booths)!! But when we reached David's booth, not only did he have the coolest art... he had the coolest v-neck (and we all know how I feel about v-necks) tee's with the full 100th Anniversary logo!!
After all 5 ladies in our group bought the same shirt :)... we headed back to The Pagota to hang out in the 500 Festival hospitality suite & grandstands... this is where we got the best view of the race all day! AND we were directly in front of the finish line!!
I never thought I would like racing... I am sure my friends & family never thought I would like racing. As my one of my friends, Mod, emailed me after I returned to Detroit "We may have to have a talk about you liking Nascar" I made a quick defense reply... Indy Car is NOT Nascar!!
What have I become?!! :)
PS A special THANK YOU to our 500 Festival friends & Leigh's friend Natalie for the VIP treatment over the weekend... definitely memorable & super fabulous!!! :) Woo Woo!!
After grabbing a quick bite in the hospitality area, we were led out a back door to an awaiting bus... after settling into our seats, we were joined by numerous other event people (Rose Parade & Shambhala Music Festival) and a few VIPs (Kellie Pickler & Judge Alex). My favorite moment of the bus ride, outside of having a Police escort to the speedway and passing thousands of cars waiting for hours in a mere 15 mins, was Kellie Pickler shouting "I'm ready for some Coors Light, I'm an effing redneck!!" (and I use effing in the politest way) :)
Once we arrived in the infield, we made our way to the garages & pits with our special credentials & pin that Leigh's friend who works for Indy Car hooked us up with. It was cool to see the cars roll out to their pits & track, see all the crazy amounts of tires each pit utilizes over the 500 laps, and we even passed by a garage just in time to collect some (free) fun racing merchandise!!
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Leigh, Jess & I in the garages |
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Tires for the 500 laps |
After we checked out the garages, it was on to the track & pits!! It was super cool see the pit crew prep the cars and get organized before the race. PLUS seeing them up close helped me select who I would root for during the race... the Target racing team employs some pretty good looking pit guys!! :)
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Danica Patrick's car & pit |
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Borg Warner Trophy |
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Sitting on the track wall |
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Headphones that let you listen to the drivers & the pit crews |
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All the girls with artist David Uhl, who designed the official race poster for the 100th Anniversary |
I was super pumped we decided to walk over to David Uhl's booth... Leigh & I had been searching all morning for shirts or hats celebrating the 100th Anniversary and it appeared that A) they didn't have anything or B) it was already sold out (and we walked to about 10 booths)!! But when we reached David's booth, not only did he have the coolest art... he had the coolest v-neck (and we all know how I feel about v-necks) tee's with the full 100th Anniversary logo!!
After all 5 ladies in our group bought the same shirt :)... we headed back to The Pagota to hang out in the 500 Festival hospitality suite & grandstands... this is where we got the best view of the race all day! AND we were directly in front of the finish line!!
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Getting the money shot of the final laps |
I never thought I would like racing... I am sure my friends & family never thought I would like racing. As my one of my friends, Mod, emailed me after I returned to Detroit "We may have to have a talk about you liking Nascar" I made a quick defense reply... Indy Car is NOT Nascar!!
What have I become?!! :)
PS A special THANK YOU to our 500 Festival friends & Leigh's friend Natalie for the VIP treatment over the weekend... definitely memorable & super fabulous!!! :) Woo Woo!!
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Winner Dan Wheldon |
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