Real thought: Thank goodness there is no such thing as Blog Protective Services! Or I would be in trouble!
My November was memorable... but rather than organize a million different posts in the matter of days, I think it would be easier to give you my favorite photos of the month! I worked hard, played hard and made some really fabulous memories! :)
We kicked off Parade season with some fabulous successful fall events...
Preview Party - iWish4Detroit Compuware Elves |
VIP Pancake Breakfast - Detroit Lions Roary |
Then (a big portion) of my fabulous fam came for a tour of The Parade Company studio in early November! It was a blast having them see where I work & what I do and a much needed break for me to see familiar smiling faces!
Unfortunately I don't have a photo for this next wonderful moment that happened... but it's too good not to share. The day before Hob Nobble, I was standing at the office copy machine and in walked my Uncle Dave, my mother's only sibling, whom I hadn't seen in years! My emotions had been running wild this month and there were definitely (and still are now) days when all I really wanted was to talk, hug or get a smile from my mother! Seeing him was like getting the biggest hug from my mom! I know she is watching over me... although I think I might of scared my Uncle by bursting into tears :) but they were happy & welcomed!
Hob Nobble Gobble was a huge success ... Woo Woo!! However the event went by so quickly... I was almost in shock for days that it had happened!!
Hair & Make-Up (I can only credit myself w my hair) |
The whole look :) Loved this ABS dress even though it left a glitter trail everywhere!! |
Top view of the party! |
It was great to see my favs as well!!
Tequila, Amelia & I w St. Nick! |
Cocktails & Smooches |
Oh and here is the cutest video I captured of the Detroit Academy of Arts & Sciences singing at the entrance of Hob Nobble Gobble... The little boy at the 2 minute mark reminds me of Phil when he was little :)
The week leading up to the Parade was relaxed and fun! Filled with TV book meetings, dance rehearsals and well wishes for my fabulous Facebook family... like this one from my brother!! Melted my heart :)
Detroit showed up in hundreds of thousands on Thanksgiving morning! The weather was perfect! We kicked off the Parade with our new "Celebrate America Celebrate Detroit" song (which is available on iTunes!) and Detroit shined! :) This was my 7th Parade and definitely one of the biggest & best to date!
Our mascot Clownie flying high! |
One of my favs... the Budweiser Clydesdales |
Detroit All City Marching Band & Kermit |
My new fav photo... the details on the floats are amazing! |
Where's Waldo CarolAnn?!
Keeping the 138 members of the Distinguished Clown Corps in line! |
Post Parade... w the TV Zone regulators! |
Thanks to my amazing friends who volunteered their Thanksgiving morning to help me wrangle the clowns! |
This year, after the Parade I made plans to take my dad to the Lions vs Packers Game!! We were both super pumped... this was my first Thanksgiving game as a fan in a seat (in HS our cheer team danced in the halftime with Boyz II Men)!!
Me & My Dad!! |
Nickelback performed "When We Stand Together" during halftime! |
The Lions did not win, but it was great time spent with my dad!! :) After we went to my Aunties for Thanksgiving dinner! I stayed until midnight catching up, eating, talking in accents with my little cousins, and eating some more! By the time I got home I was still wired, but by 2am I finally fell asleep!!
Friday morning came entirely too quickly. I went to Target & picked up a couple DVD's that my collection was lacking (Vampire Diaries Season 2 {I'm such a girl}, Burlesque and The Back Up Plan) and then headed into work for a few hours.
Friday night I slept some more, obviously :) Saturday I was back at work for A Day In Paradeland, the Parade Queen & Court were making free princess crafts with kids... A great end to a fabulous Parade season!!
Come Monday morning we received a call from Detroit Public Schools, asking us to produce a Parade for the Cass Tech High School Football, which over the weekend became the first DPS school to win a Division 1 State Championship!! Woo Woo!!
So a week later (and just a few days ago) there we were... back on Woodward Avenue producing our LAST Parade of 2011!! :) My favorite moment of the Parade was watching the football team dance to Boom Shack-A-Lack by Apache Indian from the Scooby Doo 2 Soundtrack :) {I guess this is a good time to mention my addiction to the Scooby Doo movies, I own both on DVD and love the music} ... they were so happy, even in the rain, to dance & celebrate their victory! It was contagious!
AND Yesterday was our annual staff Christmas photo!!
Hoppy Holidays from The Parade Company |
WHEW! So there it is, a November recap for the books!! :) I feel much better getting that all out because I have so many FUN things going on in December that I will need a clear blogging head for!!
Lions vs Vikings Game
28th Birthday !!
Holiday Party with Favs
Christmas with the Fam
The Little Caesar Bowl - DZ Reunion