I wish there was a way, as easy as that statement, to one day tell your future husband that your hospital bag should include a cooler... maybe after a few glasses of wine? Or a casual ...
"Have you ever read my blog, the early years? Specifically May 20, 2011? Yep, the one right after I broke my bra strap dancing and right before I ran my second 5k....where I talked about having my husband take my double wrapped, refrigerated placenta home after we welcome our beautiful baby into the world, so that The Placenta Lady can come & cook it up in some sort of jerky type maker, so that I can consume it?"
I know what you're thinking... this girl is out of her mind. But seriously people... I am not.
I casually came across the world of placenta eating while debating whether or not to start a blog. At first I was a little weirded out reading a Time Magazine article written by a husband, as most would be, but the more I read the more intrigued I became about the benefits and testimonials.
I am not one of those organic only, hippy types. I am an average women; social, active who enjoys a good beer & bar food. I am not a health nut, but for some reason this idea and it's effects have me researching further and internally debating the pro's & con's (health benefits vs. people thinking I am weird).
Placentophagy is in the early stages of research, so there are no studies to prove the benefits, yet. However, the placenta contains vitamins & minerals that may help the body in a number of ways, including fighting depression symptoms, contracting the uterus and healing quicker, increasing milk production, increasing energy and fighting iron deficiency that can lead to insomnia and sleep disorders.
If you've made it this far with me, congratulations and thank you... I feel I should mention a few more things.
I don't plan to treat my placenta like it's Filet Mignon (I once received Liver & Onions in place of my steak at a restaurant and I will say that the one bite I took was not a good time). I would definitely turn to a Placenta Encapsulation Specialists to complete this gross task (yes I think it's gross too but the health benefits are enough for me to not think about it). A Placenta Encapsulation Specialists is an individual who will come to your home with their own supplies and will leave you with a jar of 100+ pills for consumption over a 2-3 wk period after childbirth.
I also would consult my family & doctor before making any decisions about hiring a PES or taking such pills. I have a lot of respect for my doctor, as I have recommended many of my friends to her, and if she on a medical level thought this idea was outrageous... I would probably listen to her, actually I know I would.
Long story short, I am in no way, shape or form having a child in the immediate future, so this is just something I came across, internally debate on and would research more about in the future. Hopefully, to those that matter most in my life, it doesn't change your opinion of me :) although I have already told my co-workers (who each year remember my love for Cold Stone Peanut Butter Playground Ice Cream cake for my birthday) to forgo any bedazzled onsies, baby heels or larger than life hair accessories for a future mini me and just remember one thing ... a gift certificate to The Placenta Lady!!!
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