Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

The truth. I have never passed out Halloween candy since owning my home! I know, total lameness.

Typically I go up north to visit my parents for my last calm weekend before the Parade, but this year I was too excited to make my costume & show it off around town, so I stayed home.

When Monday rolled around, I realized a) I didn't have anything to pass out and b) I didn't even know how many treats to buy?! Polling a few knowledgeable ladies (my step mom and the mother daughter duo who own the tanning salon I frequent) I determined I needed about 200 pieces of something... off to Meijer I went!

YIKES! I had no idea how expensive candy was! I mean I hate to admit it, but I would much rather go shopping or have a fun night out for myself than spend $50 bucks on some kids who probably wouldn't even say thank you! So while scanning the aisles, I just couldn't bring myself to buy candy... I know that's what the kids want but EVERYONE would be passing out candy... and I'm not everyone!!

So I headed to the juice aisle... kids get thristy right? And thinking back to when I was in school, my favorite surprise was always a CAPRI SUN! We didn't get them often (I don't know why my mother wasn't a fan, probably because poking a straw into flexible plastic isn't the easiest nor fastest way to give a drink to a whining child)... so $24 and 3 cases of Capri Suns later, I felt like my money was well spent!

PS In case you're wondering why I only bought 3 cases (120 juice boxes) and not more to reach my 200 piece goal, I lost my debit card on Saturday night and the only cash I had on me was $30 bucks... and running out of money in the self check out... not a good time! :)

Long story short... I had the best time with a bottle of witches brew, passing out Capri Suns on my porch, listening to children shreik while good old fashion campfire smells filled the neighborhood (my neighbor had the right idea and bought their firepit front & center in the driveway)... and guess what... EVERY kid, big & small, except ONE said THANK YOU!! :)

After a few glasses of the brew, my eyes began to fill with tears... watching the children in front of my neighbors huge Halloween display, running from the kids he hired to dress up & hang out in the yard, screaming with joy... I was reminded of my mom. Halloween was by far her favorite holiday. She spent days making our front yard & porch the envy of every house on the block and for a few minutes I couldn't help but think of her, working on a fish tank with glass inserts separating a moving hand with live crickets from the candy grab, or cutting a hole into a folding table so one of the police officer's son could put his head in and talk to the treaters as they reached past the bodiless teen for a bag of chips.

I'm guessing Halloween 1986, before my mom really got intense with the decorations!
Ready for another truth?

I've haven't really been feeling myself lately, a little too tired, a little less fun... like a robot just going through the motions of life....work, eat, sleep. I think last night, in the cool breeze, my mom was there with me... lending a prespective I've been missing lately :) Today I feel good. Engergized, happy and positive... remembering why I work the long hours, why right now my life is just work, eat, sleep.

It's not because everyone has to work, it's because everyone needs to smile... and last night it became clear to me, that my Thanksgiving was my mom's Halloween. And even though it's just a couple hours and not everyone verbalizes their thank you, the difference a Capri Sun or larger than life Kermit the Frog floating by makes in someone's life... is always worth the money, the time and the sacrifice :)


PPS ... ummm doesn't it look like Margie was setting up my Halloween costume for 2011... That looks pretty similar to my Toddler getup :) but with a gypsy stage mom!!

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