Monday, March 26, 2012


Silly. One word that comes to mind when thinking of my brother. Of course he can also be described as motivated, talented, meathead... but for this post, we'll just stick to the silly.

Every so often, my blackberry (yes I am still using a BB so stop laughing now, I have no wants or needs to change) lights up with a text message from my brother... which most of the time is filled only with a photograph... no words. Just silliness.

Like this...

Brother & Beta (his & Hayley's bengal cat)

Or this...

What Hollywood meathead wouldn't love Arnold?!

Or ones that make me jealous....

Front & Center

Or ones that make me not so jealous...

Wounded by an invisible gun, oh brother! :)

But this one, I recieved the other day, is by far one of my favorites... we will call it Elvis Brother :)

It's clear that I miss my brother dearly, everyday... but when I get updates like these it's totally worth having him miles away while he lives his dream :)


Friday, March 23, 2012

How cool is this?!!

We have an event at our studio this weekend that features a military 50 Cal! So before our studio is filled with attendee's... I took advantage of this photo op (which I'm clearly not dressed for)!! :)

Where's my driver?!!

Puppy Girl

Valentina is having a great time at her gamma & gampa's house :) She is running free on 10 acres for 2 weeks!! I am sure she won't remember who I am when I go to pick her up!! :)

I miss my ma ma ma monster girls!! 



This year I celebrated St. Patrick's Day two weekends in a row... I know right, Party CarolAnn!! :) Woo Woo!

The weekend before the actual holiday, was the Corktown 5k & Parade! Of course since I have fallen off the workout wagon (other than Zumba & a cardio class here & there), it was in deed my worst timing ever!! But I did stop on Mile 3 to enjoy a cocktail with the Bender family... so factoring in that on my timing, I guess doesn't make it horrible :)

I ran, jogged, walked alone most of the time but started the race with Patrick & Tequila!

No our best self taken photo :)
But at least my outfit was legit, right?! :)
After the race, we enjoyed the Parade nonsense for awhile. It was a beautiful day out & Corktown was packed! It was great to see so many Detroiters out having a blast!! It got Tequila & I so excited for Opening Day (but when are we not)!!

The next weekend we headed to Chicago for Amelia's Bachelorette Party!

10 ladies made the trip and Patrick :) or as he liked to introduce himself that day, Patricia!

Majority of the group @ D4
Tequila, I & Rachel @ D4
This is when it started to get fuzzy!!
YAY! Happy we ran into Brianna!!

OMGosh and how could I forget... Monica starting the day w Starbucks (beer) and her whole life (money & ID) in a sandwich baggie... I swear only my frinds :)

It was a great two weekends of celebration!! Happy St. Patrick's Day 2012!!


Happy Spring!!

It's been a heat wave in the Midwest this March! We hit 85 degrees yesterday, breaking any previous records! Insane!!

My neighbors tree is already starting to bloom! :)

I'm so excited for the spring & summer! Yesterday we received our 2012 festival guides at work!! How can this not get you excited for sunshine, tan lines & messy, driving with the windows down hair!! :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just another day at the office....

Today we experimented with Hair Color Rubs for an activity at our Fireworks Rooftop Party!! 

What do you think?! I love them!!! 
